Thursday, August 6, 2015


What if forgetting your past was as easy as deleting your browser history? What if reinventing yourself was as easy as a new life in a game?

Notice the error in those sentences?


Yes, easy. And don't we all know that life is never easy. It is a constant struggle to keep your head above water and not drown in the sea that is life. Life is hard. Everyone has their own struggles and possibly a few demons. Some might hide it better or maybe they do have it lesser than the rest but that doesn't discount their struggle as irrelevant or simple put, whiny. 

I could say that I don't regret the things I've done in the past and I've probably said that a couple of times but honestly though, if I could, I would definitely like to erase or redo some of the mistakes I've made. Yes, the things I've done has made me who I am today, it has made me realize a lot of things that I probably would not have been able to be open about otherwise. But (and there is always a but isn't there?) it is not beneath me to say that I'm ashamed of some of the decisions I've made in the past.

I mean I made those choices and I know that I should take responsibility for it. I guess, at the time I just wasn't aware of the consequences. I didn't stop to think about how these choices that I was making would affect me in the future. How these choices I was making would affect the lives around me. I certainly know that now and if time travel is an option, heck I would jump at the chance to go back and stop myself or advise myself to think everything a little more thoroughly.

One of these days, I would really like to reinvent myself. Start fresh. You know how in those movies or TV shows where a character would get a new identity in a new place and whatever. Yeah, I want that. Then again, that may be taking it a step too far. Just a few years away from here, leaving almost everything I've ever known behind, standing on my own two feet and just having time to think about myself and nothing else. Being better both mentally and spiritually. And when I'm ready, I would come back and be this whole new person. That would be the ultimate dream, wouldn't it? A dream...